Aside from snakes and spiders, few pests strike fear into the hearts of homeowners, like scorpions in Missouri. Their appearance is threatening, and their sting brings horror. The only naturally occurring species in Missouri is the Striped Bark Scorpion. Pest Control experts concur that this scorpion is the most common and, more than likely, the one you will encounter.

Adult Striped Bark Scorpions are an arachnid with four sets of legs that average about 2.5 inches in length. They are identified by the two dark stripes that run down their bodies’ length, and the rest of the body is usually tan or light brown. Like other scorpions in Missouri, it has two pincers and a long tail with a needle-like stinger.

Do Striped Bark Scorpions in Missouri Burrow

Striped Bark Scorpions in Missouri do not burrow like most other species of scorpions. They prefer to hide under vegetation, rocks, debris, and logs. They will also reside inside buildings that humans occupy. Experts warn that it’s thought that every home in Missouri has had at least one scorpion inside of it at one time. Because they are nocturnal, the air conditioner gives them a cool place to hide during the day.

Striped Bark Scorpions in Missouri only eat insects. This diet consists mainly of centipedes, spiders, and flies. They inject their prey with venom after they grasp the insect in their pincers to immobilize them. The scorpion will then cough up digestive fluids to liquefy the insect so the scorpion can suck it up.

The sting of a Striped Bark Scorpion is not venomous. In fact, out of more than 1,000 species of scorpions, only a tiny percentage have venom that is toxic enough to kill a human. They only sting when frightened. Some people experience anaphylactic shock from the venom, which can be fatal. For most people, a sting causes sharp pain for about 20 minutes, followed by about 48 hours of discomfort that ice packs can alleviate.

How to reduce the Striped Bark Scorpions in Missouri

You can reduce the Striped Bark Scorpions in Missouri population around your home by eliminating hiding spots. Sealing your home with weather stripping around your doors and windows will help alleviate the scorpion from entering your home. Logs, stones, and debris should be cleared away. At night you can make a sweep of the inside and outside of your home with a UV flashlight because scorpions glow under ultraviolet light.

Call Zip Zap Termite & Pest Control today at 816-407-PEST (7378) for help with your scorpion problem. Zip Zap has many years of experience eliminating this problem and other Missouri pests. Please visit our website at zipzappestcontrol.com to learn more about our services and the pest control products we use.

zipzap termite and pest control

Jeffery Preece BCE,PHE

Jeffery Preece is the Owner and Technical Director of ZipZap Termite & Pest Control

ZipZap Termite & Pest Control

Jeff is a Board Certified Entomologist (BCE) and a Public Health Entomology Certificate Holder (PHE). He has worked in the pest control industry since 1985.

