How To Keep Your Pet Safe During Your Pest Control Service

When it comes to pest control, pet owners often wonder how to ensure their beloved animals remain safe during treatment. ZipZap Termite and Pest Control in Lawson, MO, understands the importance of keeping your pets secure, even though we do not offer eco-friendly or pet-specific pest control solutions. While we don’t use natural or chemical-free options, we do provide tried and tested methods to keep pests out of your home. Here are essential tips for keeping your pets safe during pest control services.

Steps to Protect Your Pets During Pest Control Treatments

To minimize any risks to your pets, itโ€™s essential to plan ahead before a pest control treatment. Whether you have dogs, cats, or other animals, ensuring their safety involves a few precautionary steps.

  1. Inform the Pest Control Technician About Pets in the Home
    Always inform your technician if there are pets on the premises before your appointment. This allows us to tailor our service and offer advice on how to minimize exposure to any treatments. We may recommend keeping pets away from certain areas during the process, depending on the type of pest control being conducted.
  2. Consider Temporary Relocation
    One of the safest options is to relocate your pets temporarily during the treatment. This can be as simple as asking a neighbor or friend to look after them or booking a pet boarding facility for the day. Relocating your pets can help reduce the risk of accidental exposure to pest control products, especially if the treatment requires extensive use of sprays or traps.
  3. Secure Pets in a Designated Safe Area
    If moving your pet out of the house isn’t an option, consider confining them to a safe, enclosed space far from where the pest control treatment is happening. Pick a room that wonโ€™t be treated, and make sure to block off vents or openings where products could travel. Make the space as comfortable as possible with their bed, food, and water.

Preparing Your Home Before Pest Control

Before the pest control service arrives, it’s important to prepare your home. Doing so ensures your pets won’t be exposed to any harmful products or substances.

  1. Remove Pet Items from Treated Areas
    Pet bowls, bedding, toys, and litter boxes should all be removed from areas that will be treated. These items can easily come into contact with pest control products, and your pets might ingest or inhale harmful substances if they arenโ€™t cleaned afterward. Store these items in closed cabinets or rooms that are not being treated.
  2. Cover Tanks and Cages for Smaller Pets
    If you have smaller pets like fish, birds, or reptiles, itโ€™s important to take extra precautions. Cover their tanks, cages, or enclosures with a towel or blanket to prevent chemical particles or spray droplets from entering. In some cases, particularly with birds and reptiles, their respiratory systems can be highly sensitive to pest control products.
  3. Ensure Proper Ventilation After Treatment
    After pest control services are complete, itโ€™s vital to let treated areas fully air out. Ventilate your home by opening windows and running fans to remove any residual odors. Only allow pets back into the treated areas after the products have dried and any odors have dissipated.

Be Mindful of Different Petsโ€™ Needs

Every pet species responds differently to pest control treatments, and it’s crucial to consider their unique needs.

  1. Dogs and Cats
    While dogs and cats may seem hardy, they can still be sensitive to pest control products. Keep them out of treated areas and ensure they don’t come into contact with treated surfaces. Avoid walking your pets through sprayed areas, and make sure they donโ€™t ingest anything left on the floor.
  2. Birds and Reptiles
    Birds have delicate respiratory systems, while reptiles often have porous skin, making them particularly vulnerable to pest control products. Ensure their enclosures are fully covered and placed in untreated areas during the service. Consider contacting your veterinarian if you have concerns about specific products affecting these sensitive pets.

What to Do Once the Pest Control Service is Complete

After the pest control treatment, take a few more steps to ensure the safety of your pets.

  1. Clean Pet Areas Thoroughly
    Once it’s safe to let your pets back into treated areas, clean their items such as beds, bowls, and toys to remove any possible traces of products. For outdoor pets, inspect the yard for traps or bait that may have been placed and make sure they are well out of reach.
  2. Monitor Your Pets
    After pest control treatments, keep an eye on your pets for any signs of illness or distress. If your pet shows symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, or excessive drooling, contact your veterinarian immediately. Itโ€™s always a good idea to have the number of a local emergency vet on hand, just in case.

Keep Your Pets Safe with ZipZap Termite and Pest Control

Although ZipZap Termite and Pest Control doesnโ€™t specialize in pet-friendly or eco-friendly treatments, we prioritize safety and ensure that our pest control services are effective while minimizing risks. By following the steps outlined above, you can protect your pets during pest control and maintain a pest-free home.

If youโ€™re dealing with a pest issue and want professional help, contact ZipZap today at (816) 407-7378 to schedule your appointment. Weโ€™ll work with you to ensure your home is treated effectively while keeping your furry family members safe!

ZipZap Termite & Pest Control

Jeff is a Board Certified Entomologist (BCE) and a Public Health Entomology Certificate Holder (PHE). He has worked in the pest control industry since 1985.

