Bed Bugs and What Is The Best Way to Kill Them

Bed Bugs (Cimex lectularis)
What are bed bugs, and what is the best way to kill them? First, What are bed bugs? Cimex lectularis are what entomologists call the human bed bugs, considered cosmopolitan. They are blood-sucking insects in the family Cimicidae. They most commonly feed at night, making them nocturnal. Adult bed bugs and each instar of nymph feed on blood, called hematophagy. The blood they feed on generally is from humans, but feeding on other animals is also not uncommon.
Adult bed bugs look similar in size and appearance to an apple seed. They have small compound eyes, which can be seen on the side of their head. The immature stage of bed bugs is called nymphs, which pass through five instars before adulthood. Each stage the nymph passes shows a resemblance to the adult.
Each female adult bed bug can lay 200-500 eggs in her lifetime. The eggs are small and white and appear laid in clusters of 10 to 50. There is a glue-like substance covering them, allowing them to be adhered to surfaces
It should be noted that bed bugs are not associated with unsanitary conditions like German cockroaches (Blattella germanica). They are considered the greatest hitchhikers and will hitch a ride from anywhere and anyone.
So, How Did I Get Bed Bugs?
That’s the million-dollar question. Some people know where they may have encountered bed bugs, while others have no idea. Bed bugs can be experienced anywhere people frequent. These places may include public transportation, ride-share services, hotels, doctor offices, hospitals, and department stores. Other areas may consist of thrift stores, donated items from friends and family, and pulling items like mattresses out of dumpsters.
Be tuned into your environment, home, car, friends, and family homes, as these are potential areas to contact bed bugs. If you discover that friends or family members have bed bugs, talk about it and try to find a solution to the problem. Contact a professional pest management firm to discuss the options available.
Why Is It Difficult To Detect Bed Bugs?
In the early stages of bed bugs, it is hard to detect if there is a problem. All stages of bed bugs are very secretive. Multiple feedings occur before victims realize they are being fed upon. Once you find out an infestation has been going on for a while, the female has laid many eggs. Most people don’t realize the rash they get from bed bug bites is from bed bugs. They associate it with other issues like being outside, maybe poison ivy or chiggers from the yard.
Bed bugs usually feed at night when you are asleep. Moreover, if you are a day sleeper, they will feed on you during the day. You don’t tend to notice them feeding, and the bite is usually not noticed until later. These are some reasons why it is challenging to detect bed bugs.
Can I Prevent Getting Bed Bugs?
Most people prevent from getting bed bugs every day. The difficulty of avoiding bed bugs is how they are transported from one location to another. Bed bugs can be transported on used bedding or furniture. Inspect all second-hand furniture before bringing items into your home. Also you can get them on your clothing or in your luggage while traveling. Inspect your hotel room before putting your luggage on the bed. Also, inspect your bed mattresses, box springs, and headboard before sleeping in the bed.
What Is The Best Way to Kill Bed Bugs?
Fumigation is the best way to know you have eliminated all stages of bed bugs. Fumigation penetrates all spaces of the home. The clutter in the home is no match for fumigation. It also leaves no surface residue and is a one-and-done treatment. Most people do not realize it, but your vehicle could also be infested with bed bugs. If you ignore this critical point, you may never rid yourself of bed bugs. You can have your vehicle fumigated for all kinds of bugs, including bed bugs. For bed bugs best way to kill them is fumigation.
Of course, there are other ways you can treat bed bugs. This article aims to identify the best way to kill bed bugs. Other methods that are used to kill bed bugs are, of course, the DIY method. I won’t get into these methods, but I will give you a rundown on what to expect when you call a professional. Heat is a popular way to take care of bed bugs. There are other methods like Steam. You can use cryogenics (freezing them). Lastly, many people and companies will help you with spot and local treatments using pesticide application.

Jeffery Preece BCE, PHE
Jeffery Preece is a board-certified entomologist, public health entomology certificate holder, and the technical director at ZipZap Termite & Pest Control