Commodity Fumigation to Semi-Trailer

Fumigate Commodities in semi-trailer
Do you have a trailer in transit that must be fumigated for bugs? We can help. ZipZap Termite & Pest Control is a company located in Lawson, Mo., right off 35 Highway. We are Just North of Kansas City, Mo.
Did you try to deliver your load and get turned away due to an infestation? No worries. We can help. Bring your trailer to our office, and we can take care of most trailer infestations. We will have you back on the road, bug-free.
We can fumigate packaged or unprocessed commodities infested with: beetles, moths, weevils, or any other pest infesting your commodity. Please call our office to discuss our available options to get you back on the road delivering.
ZipZap was awsome. They took care of me quickly and got me back on the road. I give them 5 stars.
I didn't even have an appointment. My load was turned away due to beetles infesting the product I was carrying. I showed up at ZipZap, and they took care of me right away.ย
I did not even know I was carrying bugs in my trailer until I was turned away at the processing plant. I took my truck to ZipZap to get it fumigated. They took care of me quickly. It was very easy.
Bed Bug Fumigation to Semi-Cab Sleeper
ZipZap Termite & Pest Contro can fumigate your semi-cab sleeper for bed bugs. In about 5 hours, we can have you back on the road after we fumigate your semi-cab sleeper for bed bugs. No more failure with heat or chemicals. No mess and 100 percent bed bug elimination. Fumigation is a one-and-done procedure. Let ZipZap take care of what's bugging you on the road and eliminate those unwanted pests lurking in your sleeper cab.