Don’t Let Bed Bugs Bite! Kansas City’s Guide to Effective Treatment
Bedbugs in Kansas City are a persistent problem, and unfortunately, they’re not going anywhere soon. If you suspect you have them, don’t waste time and money on DIY remedies that often fail. This blog post, written by Board Certified Entomologist Jeff Preece, will guide you through the best approach to eliminating these unwanted guests.
The Problem with DIY:
- Incomplete eradication: You might miss eggs or hidden crevices, leading to a resurgence of the infestation.
- Incorrect products or methods: Using the wrong approach can worsen the problem or expose you to harmful chemicals.
- Ignoring professional advice: Relying solely on internet information can lead you down the wrong path.
- Partner problems: Not everyone experiences bites, so getting everyone on board is crucial.
When to Call a Pro:
- Early detection is critical: Don’t wait until the problem escalates.
- DIY methods fail: If online solutions don’t work, seek professional help.
- Financial and emotional toll: Stop wasting money and energy on ineffective solutions.
Professional Solutions:
- Quick assessment and plan: Experts can diagnose the problem and create a tailored strategy.
- Budget-friendly options: Discuss various treatment options to find one that fits your needs.
- Guaranteed results: Many professional services offer guarantees for successful eradication.
Treatment Options for Bedbug Control in Kansas City:
- Heat and Fumigation: These methods provide the most effective and guaranteed elimination.
- Steam and Liquid/Dust Treatments can be effective in specific situations, but professional application is crucial.
A. Heat for bedbugs in Kansas City
1. Heating for bedbugs is bringing in industrial heaters specific for bedbug control in your home or office.
2. We raise the unit’s temperature to above 125 degrees and maintain that temp for several hours.
3. We turn, move, and unpack items in your home or office and rotate Heat around them for several hours.
4. Generally, heat treatments will make your home cluttered upon your return
5. Heating generally takes only 4 to 9 hours.
B. Fumigate for bedbugs in Kansas City
1. Fumigating for bedbugs in Kansas City means introducing gas into a structure and maintaining the gas levels for several hours.
2. Fumigation will take more than one day to complete.
3. Fumigating for bedbugs will generally also come with a monitoring graph to verify the levels of fumigant introduced into the structure to verify the killing of bedbugs.
C. Steam for bedbugs in Kansas City
1. Steam for bedbug control can be effective if done correctly. Only the items being steamed can become free from bedbugs.
2. Steam is a prolonged and tedious process and takes special techniques with specialized steaming equipment
D. Liquid/Dust treatment for bedbugs in Kansas City
1. Liquid treatments can be effective for the control of bedbugs if the infestation is just getting started.
2. Dust treatments are effective in conjunction with liquid treatments. Dust alone may not completely do the job.
3. more work will be put on the consumer for cleanup, laundering, and housekeeping to make this approach effective.
4. In some cases, liquid/dust treatments may not be effective.
Additional Tips:
- Look for signs like bed bug eggs, nymphs, adults, and bloodstaining on mattresses and sheets.
- Be aware that not everyone reacts to bites immediately.
- Choose a reputable and certified pest control company for guaranteed results.
By following these tips and seeking professional help when needed, you can reclaim your home from bed bugs and enjoy a peaceful sleep!
As you have read, having bedbugs is no pleasant matter. They are hard to eliminate and require some cooperation on your part. Bedbug treatments should not be left solely on the shoulders of the pest management professional. Collaboration between the two will significantly increase the level of control in your home or office.

Jeffery Preece BCE,PHE
Jeffery is a Board Certified Entomologist at ZipZap Termite & Pest Control